Veggie Loaded Cauli Rice by Clean Eats & Treats
I do my best to meal prep on Sundays and then again on Wednesday mid-week to keep myself prepared. Sometimes that means hours and hours and batches on Sunday and sometimes it just means extra leftovers at dinner to eat throughout the week. Either way a huge batch of cauli rice is always on the menu!
One week I had a bunch of wilted veggies in the produce drawer needing to be loved and decided to load up a batch, the result was awesome and I haven’t made plain cauli rice since! I will share the basic recipe below but feel free to add whatever veggies you want! The options are endless.
Whole family tip: I will typically make a batch of brown rice for my family at meals and throw a few scoops of cauli into the mix. They don’t prefer cauli rice alone but won’t complain if its mixed with regular brown rice or quinoa! Sneaky.

Veggie Loaded Cauli Rice
- 1 large head of cauliflower cut into florets
- 2 large carrots peeled and diced small
- 1 large zuchinni diced small
- 1 red bell pepper diced small
- 1 small purple onion diced small
- 2 cloves garlic crushed
- Trader Joe's Everyday Seasoning
- salt and pepper to taste
Pulse cauliflower florets in a blender or food processor until "rice" like. You may want to do this in small batches. In the past too large of a batch turns to mush before all the cauliflower is riced. You could chop finely too.
In a medium sauté pan heat 1 tsp oil of choice and sauté onion and garlic until fragrant. Add carrots and pepper. When carrots are tender add cauliflower 'rice" and zucchini. Sauté until cauliflower is soft. About 15 minutes. You may need to add more oil to avoid browning, but I personally like the nutty flavor it adds! Season with Everyday seasoning, salt and pepper or seasoning of choice.
Alternately you can roast the cauli "rice" while the veggies are sautéing. Just lay out evenly on a parchment lined baking sheet, spray with oil and roast at 425 degrees for 15 min, toss and roast for an additional 15 minutes. Then add to the pan of veggies. Super easy! Enjoy!
Honestly we love this stuff! Also, all the eggs in all the land! I just made some scrambled this morning and did a whole story about using a splash of Trader Joe’s cilantro dressing in them with some spinach… it was so good! That’s what I’d use my one for… and his cause… cauliflower!!!!
I would love to try this recipe with some Le Creuset nonstick cookware! There is nothing worse than “rice” stuck to your pan. #lecreusetgiveaway